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Langtang Valley Trek

World Heritage Cultural sightseeing, Popular Trek, Alpine scenery, chance to mix with the Ethnic Tamang.Great flora and fauna, river side walking, Close to Kathmandu, Ganesh Himal ranges, Lantang, Dorje Lakpa, Phurbi Chyachu Mountain views. Quiet and Meditating trekking Lodges having opportunities to mix with local residents.
  • Dates: Daily
  • Best Season: September to June
  • Duration: 12 Days
  • Trekking Days: 8 Days
  • Grade: Medium-Easy
  • Maximum Altitude: 4290m
  • Commences At: Dhunche - Rasuwa
  • Ends At: Dhunche - Rasuwa
  • Code: HL - I
Price: $ 895 per Person


Day 01 Arrival in kathmandu
Day 02 Half Day Cultural Tour to Pahupatinath, Boudhnath,

Changunarayan Temple
Day 03 Kathmandu to Trisuli Bazaar

Start Trek to Syabrubeshi
Day 04 Syabrubesi  to Lama Hotel
Day 05 Lama Hotel to Langtang
Day 06 Langtang to Kyanjin Gompa
Day 07 Kyangjin Gompa
Day 08 Kyangjing Gompa to Lama Hotel
Day 09 Lama Hotel to Syabrubesi
Day 10 Syabrubesi to Kathmandu
Day 11 Leisure in  Kathmandu
Day 12 Departure Kathmandu
A trek to Langtang valley starts with an overland journey to Syabrubesi, a small string of shops and hotels. Langtang is a narrow valley that lies just south of the Tibetan border. It is sandwiched between the Himalayan range to the north and a slightly lower range of peaks to the south. This area was designated Nepal’s first Himalayan national park in 1971. This high and isolated region is inhabited by the Tamangs, whose religious practices, language and dress are more similar to those of Tibet then to the traditions of their cousins in the middle hills. According to a legend a lama following a runaway yak discovered the valley. Hence the name – lang its Tibetan for yak, and teng means to follow. Though the area is relatively close to Kathmandu, the region sees far fewer trekkers than Everest and Annapurna. This trek is easily combined with the Gosainkund Trek.
Itinarary Details:
Day 01 - Arrival in Kathmandu

Today is your arrival.We welcome you upon your arrival at Kathmandu’s Tribhuvan International Airport. Transfer to Hotel in Kathmandu or your choice of Hotel in Kathmandu Valley (Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur).Arrival city briefing follows after Hotel check in concerning the necessary formalities on your tour and trek program. Depending upon your arrival time you may spend free time visiting nearby historic/Countryside areas or resting.

Day 02 - Half Day Cultural Tour to Pahupatinath, Boudhnath, Changunarayan Temple

Half day Cultural sightseeing in World Heritage sites of Kathmandu and Bhaktapur where your guide will accompany you on a tour of UNESCO enlisted Hindu temples and the unique fusion shrines of Newari architectural Hinduism and Buddhism reflecting ancient golden era in local traditions for the glories. There is time to explore the city’s many places of interest with your guide or take a rest while trekking permits are finalized .In the evening sample a delicious traditional Nepali dinner in authentic Nepali Restaurant with the cultural dances that represents different customs and music instrument of Nepal. Overnight Hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 03 - Kathmandu to Trisuli Bazaar (1940m)/ Start Trek to Syabrubeshi(2150m)

Our morning transport from Kathmandu takes us all the way through to Dunche, which lies on the east bank high above the Trishuli River. Beginning the trek from here allows us to cover some of the best trekking country in Nepal, where relatively few foreign trekkers visit. The route to Syabrubeshi follows the road upto a ridge at 1800, then continues for a short distance to Tamang Village of Thulo Bharkhu..About 100 m from the village the road crosses a small stream with some water –driven mills. The hike gets delightful through occasional pine and Rhododendron forests. After a short climb, the trail reaches a ridge crest at 2300, where the trek originally enters the Langtang valley.There are views of Snow peaks in Tibet, west to Ganesh Himal and east t oNaya Kangri and Ganja la peaks. Ashort, steep downhills through the Bamboo forests leads to Syabru at 2100m. (3 hrs)

Day 04 - Syabrubesi to Lama Hotel (2470m)

After leaving our hotel we cross the Bhote Kosi River by a suspension bridge towards ‘old’ Syabrubesi, a cluster of houses and a school opposite the river. Another suspension bridge carries us over the south side of the Langtang Khola, this river we will be following upwards for the next couple of days. We climb slowly to Doman (1680m) and continue over a rocky ridge to Landslide Lodge and Hot Spring restaurant; named after a small hot spring on the opposite river bank at 1810 meter. The trail now climbs gently up to Bamboo Lodge where we will enjoy our lunch. Opposite the river we will see near vertical cliffs covered with cactuses. After Bamboo we cross the Langtang Khola on a new suspension bridge to the north bank. The forest becomes sparser and drier on this side of the river, consisting mainly of scrub oaks and nettles. We climb steeply on a good trail to Rimche (2510m). We have now finished most of today’s climbing and descend slowly to our selected teahouse where we will spend the night (6 hrs).

Day 05 - Lama Hotel to Langtang (3430m)

The day starts with a gentle climb, but it soon becomes steeper, climbing through a forest of hemlocks, oaks, maples and rhododendron. Beautiful views of Langtang Lirung (7246m) can be seen from the trail. After little more then an hour we pass two lodges in the forest at Gumanchok (2800m), from where we climb to a Nepal army post and a national park checkpoint at Ghora Tabela (2970m). The trail asvends gradually, as the valley becomes wider. We will pass a few teashops at Thangshyap at 3140 meter, where we will have our lunch. The route is now in open country, and passes many mani stones, water-driven prayer wheels and a few scattered Tamang villages before arriving in Langtang. This is a small village consisting of guesthouses and yak farms. The surrounding fields containing buckwheat, potatoes, wheat, turnips and barley have typical stone fencing walls (5 hrs).
Day 06 - Langtang to Kyanjin Gompa (3870m)

Walking through the village of Langtang we will pass many stone mani walls, covered with Tibetan inscriptions to please the gods. It then climbs up gradually past the small villages of Mumdu and Sindum. The trail continues through yak pastures. After crossing the Langtang Khola to its south bank we climb up through a landscape scattered with large boulders to a moraine where we will have the first views of Kyanjin Gompa ahead of us, and the dramatic icefall flowing from Langtang Lirung and Langtang Kinshung (6781m) north of us. Our route weaves through the large boulders to a gompa and from here it’s a short descent to Kyanjin Gompa. It is easy to reach our destination before lunch, allowing time to acclimatize and explore the surroundings. One of the options is a hike to one of the good viewpoints. To the north of Kyanjin Gompa is the Kyanjin Ri (4773m), which is a two-hour climb. From here we have a great view over the mountain range in the west, including Langshisha Ri (6370m), Gang Chhenpo (6388m) and Dorje Lakpa (6966m) (3 hrs, to the viewpoint and back is about another 3 hrs).

Day 07 - Kyangjin Gompa (3730m)

Today we stay in Kyajin Gompa to explore a bit more of the Langtang valley. Our trail descends a little to the old abandoned VTOL airstrip, and then follows the river upstream to some herders’ huts at Jatang (3840m). We will continue to climb slowly up the valley until we are surrounded by the mountain amphitheatre with Langshisha Ri, Langshisha Kharka and Dorje Lakpa towering high above us. We will descent vack to Kyajin Gompa after our lunch.

Day 08 - Kyangjing Gompa to Lama Hotel (2470m)

Today we follow our route back to Lama Hotel, the trail goes with a few short exceptions most of its way downwards, descending around 1400 meter back to Lama Hotel (5 hrs).

Day 09 - Lama Hotel to Syabrubesi

For variation we will follow the so called ‘high’-route back to Syarubesi. This trail splits of the route we took upwards shortly after leaving Lama Hotel. The route goes to the small village of Syarpagaon, and continues onto Bhanjyanggaon and Khangjung before descending back to Syabrubesi. This was the primary route to Langtang before the new trail (which we followed on our way up) was build (6 hrs).

Day 10 - Syabrubesi to Kathmandu

We return back from Sybrubeshi to Kathmandu after the breakfast.It takes nearly 6 hours comfortable drive. Overnight stay at hotel.

Day 11 - Leisure in Kathmandu

Leisure Time in Kathmandu. It’s indeed time for the souvenir hunting around Kathmandu’s noted places having optional trip to tranquil historic Heritages in your own or with us or  with our versatile guide. We provide extra drive and drop services anywhere

Day 12 - Departure Kathmandu.

Our Tour officer meets you in Hotel for the Departure Transfer to Kathmandu’s International Airport. We will be always welcoming you back to Nepal for various other stunning Trekkings or looking forward to serving you in our other country travel arrangements.

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