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Before You Leave Home: A Checklist

- Allow plenty of time to renew your passport, if it has less than 6 months validity.Multiple entry visa is provided for 15,
  30 and 100 days.They are available on arrival. Regulations change frequently- please consult your nearest Nepal
- Take out a comprehensive Personal Travel Insurance Policy including helicopter evacuation. This is a condition  of
  accepting you on the trip.

See Cover Yourself:

Australia – www.smartraveller.gov.au
New Zealand – www.mft.govt.nz/travel
United Kingdom – www.fco.gov.uk/travel
USA -http://www.travel.state.gov/travel/tips/tips_1232.html

- See MONEY TO BRING WITH YOU. Buy travellers cheques (preferably US$) from a major company, in low
  denominations. Nepalese Rupees are not available outside Nepal.
- Send your complete Medical form. Only your Trek Leader/guide has access to this, but for your own safety, and
  insurance purposes, you must declare any pre-existing medical condition.
- Send us details of any special dietary needs. If you are used to specialty foods, bring a supply.
- They are’nt compulsory, but we strongly advise you to have Hepatitis, Tetanus, Meningococcal, Meningitis and Typhoid
   shots-ideally, from a travellers medical centre, which can give you all the current information and advice.
- Get malaria tablets for Chitwan National Park, if optioned, and enough prescriptions medicines, if needed.Many drugs,
   including anti-malarials, have side-effects at altitude. so please talk to a doctor.
- Visit the dentist. Kathmandu has world- class dentists, but a toothache could ruin your trek.
- At least walk up and down stairs in your trekking boot, if you’re not doing some aerobic activity. It’s also the best way to
   wear in new boots, so you won’t have blisters on the trek.

Nepal News
Kantipur Online Nepal www.ekantipuronline.com
Nepal News Nepal       www.nepalnews.com

If you have time please read about Nepal, consult our website or talk to people who have travelled with us. It will enhance your experience immeasurably

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