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Everest Mountain Flight, One of the Best flight in the World

Of the fourteen peaks higher than 8000 meters, eight are in Nepal. So it’s exciting flight for every ages to see all those thousands of peak together to add one more memorable Everest Mountain of the world.To get the best of the weather conditions in the mountains where strong winds start blowing gathering clouds and raising snow plumes which block the view as the day progresses ahead, mountain flights take place early in the morning. Everest Flight Experience is not something you want to miss.
The first ones to come to view are the peaks straight north of Kathmandu Valley, starting with the 8013m high Shisha Pangma, the 14th highest mountain in the world, which is actually located in Tibet, a few kilometers from the border. Then come a series of several smaller peaks beginning with Dorje Lakpa (6966m) which looks like the figure eight and is located on the eastern edge of Langtang National Park, followed by Phurbi Ghyachu (6637m) on its right, the 5970m Choba Bhamare which remains unconquered, Gauri Shankar (7134m) named after Lord Shiva and his consort, Melungtse (7181m) all part of the Rolwaling range.
Less than ten minutes after being airborne, one gets the first glimpse of the snowy white peaks on the far left while below the hill slopes acquire a rocky rugged and barren look, like empty landscapes from another world. Within the next few minutes one is already flying above the snowy outlines of the greater Himalaya at an altitude of 25000 feet above the ground.
  • Grade: Medium
Everest Mountain  Flight is one of the best one hour flight in the world. This flight takes off and land at Kathmandu airport every day in the morning .Himalayan Eco Treks and Tours – Holiday to Nepal arranges this  stunningly spectacular close to Himalayan range flight as closely as 5 nautical miles .This is the safest and quickest to experience the awe inspiring Mountain world of Nepal Tibet border  spreaded  nearly 50,000 sq km which has also established the “must to do” travel activities of the world.

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