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(Far from the madding crowd)
No Words to describe the serenity of the nook
Battle of the beauties the bubbling brook
It is said " If there is a paradise on earth, it begins from north to Pokhara." Obviously, on the lap of Annapurna Himalayan Range, Pokhara is blanketed with emerald blue lakes, green forests, deep gorges and underground waterfalls, caves, hills and rills.
If Kathmandu is the cultural hub- Pokhara, a place of exhilarating beauty is to refresh and relax and to discover the mysterious creation of nature. Thousand of people from different part of the world come here just to awake the sleeping beauty.
  • “…Among 50 places to see before you die”.
  • Gate way to the world famous Annapurna Trekking trails.
  • Garden city of Seven Lakes: Fewa, Begnas, Rupa, Gude, Neurani, Deepang, Maidy, Khastey.
  • Homeland of world famous Gurkha Army where 370 youths are selected to recruit for England every year because Gurkha solders fought bravely during Second World War.
  • Valley of Orchids, Lakes, Caves, waterfalls and Massif glaciers.
  • Three mountains above 8000 m (Mt. Dhaulagiri 8167m., Mt. Manslu 8163 m., Mt Annapurna 8091m) can be seen standing at 850 m.
  • World Peace Stupa stretched on Raniban forest ridge..
  • To explore Peace & Harmony between Hinduism and Buddhism.
  • Ramapithecus was thought to be the first direct ancestor of modern humans. And, 165 km south to Pokhara nearby Butwal. Its Fossils was found dated 14 millions year.
  • Highest lake on earth “Tilicho 4949 m”
  • Kaliigandaki Valley, the Deepest Gorge in the World.
  • Holy and Virgin Mt. Fishtail 6993m.
  • The Only place in the world that you find 7 different species of DANFE Lophophorus.
  • Spiny Babbler the bird only found in Nepal.
  • Largest cave in Asia and Biggest Trident in Asia is in Gandaki Zone.
  • Whole mountain ridge imaging just like Sleeping Buddha seen from Akala Devi Temple.
  • Homeland of World Famous Honey Hunters.
  • Entry Point to Famous Hindu Temple “Muktinath”
  • Easy Access to Lumbini “The Birth Place of Lord Buddha”
  • The most favorite destination for Trekkers, photographers, artist, bird watchers, researchers, archaeologist, geologist, movie maker, tourism promoter.
Sight Seeing Places :
  • Bindabasini Temple
  • Seti Gorge
  • Cultural Museum
  • Mountain Museum
  • David Fall
  • Tibetan Refugee Camp
  • Mahadev Cave
  • Barahi Temple
  • Saranglkot Sunrise tour from where one can have beautiful sunrise view And Panaromic mountain view (3 mountains above 8,000 m. can be seen)
Davis Fall
Laboriosa Wild Honey
Mt. Manaslu (8163 m.) the first Japanese Mr. Toshio Imanashi to climb on 9th June 1956

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