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Animated recent post is a fantastic way to present headlines updates to your readers.The effect of smooth scrolling attract readers and generate more clicks to your site.This gadget displays your most recent posts and includes a small thumbnail, but has the added bonus of using an animated effect that moves smoothly through the posts.There are a lot of great tutorials discussing on how to add Animated Recent posts for blogger with thumbnails and Simple Spy, but most of the tutorials I've found are not really suitable for a beginner.

How to Install Animated Recent posts for blogger with thumbnails and Simple Spy

I have to write two set of instructions for each steps, as some of you are using the default layout, and some of you are using the new layout. So, let's see how to install this cool widget in your blog..

Step 1:

If you're using the old Blogger interface: Go to Dashboard - Design - Page Elements - Add a Gadget.

Add a Gadget of HTML/JavaScript type.

If you're using the new Blogger interface: Go to Dashboard - Layout - Add a Gadget

2.Click on 'Add a Gadget' on the sidebar.

3.Select 'HTML/Javascript' and add the one of code given below

4. Now Click On Save 'JavaScript' You are done.

Note - If you have previously added jQuery to your blog you can remove the line at the top in red.

<a href="http://24work.blogspot.com" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="http://safir85.ucoz.com/24work-blogspot/cursor-24work-10.png" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a><script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

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And now click Save

Note :If your template already have a jquery do not put again, just copy after it
Html from above a few things could be replaced :

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

1. homepage address
home_page = “http://bdlab.blogspot.com/”;

2. Style

from above style/css, you can change :

width : 220px;

customize base on your template
background:#fff url(http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/708209/scriptabufarhan/recentspy/post.jpg) repeat-x;
or background:#fff url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh-2syxvx9MZTa3CUFMVAxb2211O8zNnQz5RojGCvUDfMwDajn4LaO3WMQ2gXCAHoWKbskIWHL9hu9K8RprT5nHxlpK3zQliVRCMRwEqJ3v0Lwdv51he0XfnSHAHFy_e6d8nzYzOeZvLBVV/s1600/bdlab-blogspot-com.jpg) repeat-x;

Customize the colors of backuground

3. image size
thumbwidth = 70;
thumbheight = 70;

Match your needs

4. How many post you will show
numposts = 10;

Base on what you need to show

In this post I have an awesome new gadget that can be seen Wordpress blogs is now available for Blogger.Recommended post slider in each post is interesting widget.Those of you who follow some Wordpress blogs have seen the recommended or related posts slider.You may have seen this type of widget in many popular websites like The New York Times, Mashable, Times of India, etc.The widget is originally developed by bloggerplugins, i just changed something in the widget.It keeps readers to read more pages of your blog.

How to Install Recommended Post Slider Widget for Blogger with Facebook,Twitter share button

I have to write two set of instructions for each steps, as some of you are using the default layout, and some of you are using the new layout. So, let's see how to install this cool widget in your blog..

Step 1:

If you're using the old Blogger interface: Go to Dashboard - Design - Page Elements - Add a Gadget.

Add a Gadget of HTML/JavaScript type.

If you're using the new Blogger interface: Go to Dashboard - Layout - Add a Gadget

2.Click on 'Add a Gadget' on the sidebar.

3.Select 'HTML/Javascript' and add the one of code given below

4. Now Click On Save 'JavaScript' You are done.

<a href="http://24work.blogspot.com" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="http://safir85.ucoz.com/24work-blogspot/cursor-24work-10.png" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a><style type="text/css">#recslide{z-index:5;width:400px;height:100px;padding:10px;background-color:#fff;border-top:3px solid #000;position:fixed;right:-430px;bottom:0;-moz-box-shadow:-2px 0 5px #aaa;-webkit-box-shadow:-2px 0 5px #aaa;box-shadow:-6px -5px 5px #aaa; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}#recslide p{font-size:11px;text-transform:uppercase;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;letter-spacing:1px;color:#000; font-weight: bold;}#recslide_title{color:#555;font-weight:700;font-size:16px;margin:10px 20px 10px 0;}#recslide a,#recslide a:hover,#recslide_title{text-decoration:none;color:#FE3F10; padding: 5px 5px 5px 2px;}#recslide .close,#recslide .expand,#recslide .help{border:2px solid #EEE;cursor:pointer;color:#9A9AA1;width:13px;height:15px;padding:2px 0 0 5px;position:absolute;right:10px;font-size:17px;font-weight:700;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;}#recslide .help{right:35px;}#recslide_image{float:left;width:80px;}#recslide_title{width:287px;height:30px;overflow:hidden;}</style><div id="recslide" style="display:none;"> <div class="help">?</div><div class="expand">+</div> <div class="close">X</div> <p>Recommended for you</p><div id="recslide_image"></div><div id="recslide_title">Loading..</div><center><div id="share_box">loading</div></center></div><script> if(document.location.href.split("/").length==6&&document.location.href.indexOf(".html")!=-1){if(typeof bts_onload_queue=='undefined')var bts_onload_queue=[];if(typeof bts_dom_loaded=='boolean')bts_dom_loaded=false;else var bts_dom_loaded=false;if(typeof bts_async_loader!='function'){function bts_async_loader(src,callback,id){var script=document.createElement('script');script.type="text/javascript";script.async=true;script.src=src;script.id=id;var previous_script=document.getElementById(id);if(previous_script)if(previous_script.readyState=="loaded"||previous_script.readyState=="complete"){callback();return}else{script=previous_script}if(script.onload!=null)previous_callback=script.onload;script.onload=script.onreadystatechange=function(){var newcallback;if(previous_script&&previous_callback)newcallback=function(){previous_callback();callback()};else newcallback=callback;if(bts_dom_loaded){newcallback()}else bts_onload_queue.push(newcallback);script.onload=null;script.onreadystatechange=null};var head=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];if(!previous_script)head.appendChild(script)}}if(typeof bts_domLoaded!='function')function bts_domLoaded(callback){bts_dom_loaded=true;var len=bts_onload_queue.length;for(var i=0;i<len;i++){bts_onload_queue[i]()}}bts_domLoaded();bts_async_loader("http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js",function(){bts_async_loader("http://safir85.ucoz.com/bdlab-blogspot/24work/recommended/recommended-Slide-v1.0.js",function(){},"bts-out-slide")},"jQueryjs")}</script>

And now click Save

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Everest Mountain Flight, Himalayan flight Tour,Nepal Tour, Tour in Nepal Everest Mountain Flight or Everest Himalayan Flight Tour is an hour long early morning flight in Kathmandu Nepal by domestic airlines which flies on the north east of Nepal along with he high Himalayan ranges. As we know that the top of the world is Mount Everest, to see this the main purpose of this flight along with the other 8 Highest peaks in the world. After doing this you may have some idea about the magnificent Himalayas and you can be proud enough to say that you have see the highest or tallest point of this world. So Angel Tour Trekking Operator Nepal offers Nepal Tour Trekking Package with Everest Mountain Flight.

Bungy jumping is taking the world by storm, particularly after having recently found additional venues within the highest mountain peaks in the world - the Himalaya mountain range. It’s a crazy sport that has some of the best views imaginable, if you don’t mind heights and being upside down. It has to be said that the Nepal bungy jump experience, with the longest free-fall to date, is nothing like you could imagine at 160 meters over the untamed waters of the Bhote Koshi. It is about a three hour drive from Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, to begin your adrenalin pumping adventure.
At the moment there is only one bungy jumping agency operating in Nepal, known as ‘The Last Resort’. This agency hosts some of the most experienced jump masters in the field of bungy jumping. The jump they offer was designed by one of the leading consultants in New Zealand and abides by the strict international standards, thus guaranteeing the utmost safety from beginning to end. The bungy jump in Nepal takes place from a 166 meter steel suspension bridge that is Swiss designed and made specifically for bungy jumping with a safety factor of x4 and a loading factor of 4.5t or 41,500kg. Interestingly, before the bridge was constructed, surrounding villagers would have to walk for about 5 hours in order to cross the river gorge safely.
The Last Resort offers a full package for adrenalin junkies. On the first day of your bungy jumping experience you will be provided with both lunch and dinner which will take place around the jump. As the time nears the anticipation almost seems too much before being transported off to the bungy jump site. It must be said, nothing can prepare you for this most unforgettable jump you will make. You will then spend the night at the resort, however, your experience does not stop here. On the second day you will enjoy a wonderful breakfast before you are once again whisked away from ‘The Last Resort’ to a site close to where you had previously jumped, this time you will get up close and personal, viewing the scenery from a totally different perspective while white river rafting and completing the Bhote koshi which entails 80 of the most challenging rapids. Lunch will then be provided before you make your way to your outside accommodation.
Itinerary Detail
Day 01:
Drive to Last Resort (Ultimate Bungy Sport) After arrival briefing and preparing for Bungy and after the jump rest and overnight at Last Resort or drive back to Kathmandu. This is the short day trip to Bungy in Nepal. If you have enough time then you can plan ahead as given below.
Day 02:
After breakfast beautiful canyoning trip to The Bhote Kosi River cliff. This is also one of the most exciting adventure trip combining with Byungy.
Day 03:
True adrenaline rafting trip on Bhote Koshi River for every adventure lover can enjoy its many challenging rapids and overnight camp.
Day 04:
After breakfast continue rafting again and after that drive to Kathmandu. Above package program departures everyday from Kathmandu office. For details please make an inquiry to us or book this trip now.

Cost for Bungy jumping: 59 Euro Per person with sharing basis.(Other)

Cost for Bungy jumping: NPR 2900 Per person with sharing basis.(For Nepali)

के तपाईं लाई थाहा छ तपाईं घरमा बसी बसी संसार भरिको साथीहरुको कम्प्युटर चलाऊन सक्नु हुन्छ ?? फाइलहरु transfor गर्न सक्नु हुन्छ । एउटा यस्तो सफ्टवेर छ जुन तपाईंले आफ्नो कम्प्युटरमा डाउनलोड गर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ र तपाईंले चलाऊन चाहनु भएको कम्प्युटरमा पनि त्यो सफ्टवेर डाउनलोड भएको हुने पर्छ ।
सबै भन्दा राम्रो desktop sharing प्रोग्राम साबित भईसकेको Team Viewer प्रोग्राम अझै नयाँ भर्सन TeamViewer 6.0 Build 10124 Final मा उपलब्ध भईसकेको छ । यो फ्री प्रोग्राम मा डेस्कटॉप शेयरिंग, फाइल ट्रान्सफर, अडियो, भिडियो च्याट जस्ता नयाँ सुबिधाहरु जोडिएर आएको छ जसले यो प्रोग्रामलाई अझै उपयोगी बनाउन मद्घत गरेको छ । यसमा QuickJoin नामको नयाँ सुबिधा छ जो प्रेजेंटेशनको लागि अति उपयोगी छ । यो प्रोग्राम अहिले पहिले भन्दा धेरै स्पीडमा र हेर्नको लागि आकर्षक भएको छ । अब तपाईं यसबाट एक भन्दा धेरै जना हरुसँग छिटो र सजिलै connection हुन सक्नुहुनेछ । यदि कारणबस connection छुटी हाले पनि आँफै फेरी जोड्ने (स्वचालित) हुने यो नया भर्सन पहिले भन्दा धेरै सुरक्षित पनि छ किनकी यसमा तपाईंले धेरै बिकल्पहरुमा पासवोर्डले protect गर्न पाउनु हुनेछ ।

सिर्फ 3.4 mb मा उपलब्ध यो software डाउनलोड गर्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोला

software डाउनलोड गरी सके पछी त्यहा ID र password display भएको हुन्छ , त्यस्तै तपाईंको साथीकोमा पनि display भएको हुन्छ । तपाईंले connect गर्न चाहनु भएको साथिको ID र password आफ्नोमा राखी connect गरे पछि तपाईंको डेस्कटपमा साथीको डेस्कटप display हुनेछ , त्यसपछी तपाईंले option मा remote suport , file transfor आदी गर्न सक्नु हुनेछ । एक चोटि connect भई सके पछि तपाईंले आफ्नो कम्प्युटरमा save गरेको Data हरु साथीको कम्प्युटरमा पठाउन सक्नु हुनेछ वा साथीको Data हरु आफ्नोमा transfor गर्न सक्नु हुनेछ । एकदम रमाइलो यो सफ्टवेर एक चोटि चलाएर हेर्नुस् अनी भन्नुस ।
" तर यो सफ्टवेर चलाऊदा आफ्नो ID र password जो सुकै लाई नदिनु होला नत्र तपाईंको महत्वपूर्ण फाइलहरु तपाईंको partner ले एताउता वा Delete गरी दिन सक्छ"

Ranging from the subtropical forests of the Terai to the great peaks of the Himalayas in the north, Nepal abounds with some of the most spectacular sceneries in the whole of Asia, with a variety of fauna and flora also unparalleled elsewhere in the region. Between Nepal’s Geographical extremes, one may find every vegetation type, form the treeless steppes of the Trans-Himalayan region in the  extreme north and the birch, silver fir, larch and hemlock of the higher valleys to the oak, Pine and Rhododendron of the intermediate altitudes and the great sal and sissau forests of the south.
The rolling densely forested hills and broad Dun valleys of the Terai along with other parts of the country were formerly, renowned for their abundance and variety o wildlife. Though somewhat depleted as a result of agricultural settlements, deforestation, poaching and other causes, Nepal can still boast richer and more varied flora and fauna than any other area in Asia. For practical purposes, Nepal’s Flora and Fauna can be divided into Four Regions:

  1. Tropical Deciduous Monsoon Forest:
    This includes the Terai plains and the broad flat valleys or Duns found between successive hill ranges. The dominant tree species of this area are Sal (Shorea Robusta), sometimes associated with Semal (Bombax malabricum), Asna (Terminalia termentosa), Dalbergia spp and other species, and Pinus rosburghi occurring on the higher ridges of the Churia hills, which in places reach an altitude of 1800m. Tall coarse two-meter high elephant grass originally covered much of the Dun valleys but has now been largely replaced by agricultural settlements. The Pipal (ficus religiosa) and the Banyan (ficus bengalensis) are to be noticed with their specific natural characteristics. This tropical zone is Nepal’s richest area for wildlife, with gaurs, buffaloes, four species of deer, tigers, Leopards and other animals found in the forest areas rhinoceros, swamp deer and hot deer found in the valley grasslands and two species of crocodile and the Gangetic dolphin inhabiting the rivers. The principal birds are the peacock, jungle fowl and black partridge, while migratory duck and geese swarm on the ponds and lakes and big rivers of Terai. Terai forests are full of jasmin, minosa, accecia reeds and bamboo.
  2. Subtropical Mixed Evergreen Forest:
    This includes the Mahabharat Lekh, which rises to a height of about 2400m and comprises the outer wall of the Himalayan range. Great rivers such as the Karnali, Narayani, and Sapta Koshi flow through this area into the broad plains of the Terai. This zone also includes the so-called middle hills’ which extend northwards in a somewhat confused maze of ridges and valleys to the foot of the great Himalayas. Among the species Characteristic of this region are Castenopsis indica in association with Schima Wallichi, and other species such as Alnus nepalensis, Acer oblongum and various species of oak and Rhododendron which cover the higher slopes where deforestation has not yet taken place. Orchids clothe the stems of trees and gigantic climbers smother their heads. The variety and abundance of the flora and fauna increase progressively with decreasing altitude and increasing luxurance of the vegetation. This zone is generally poor in wildlife. The only mammals, which are at all widely distributed, are wild boar, barking deer, Serow, Ghoral and bears. Different varieties of birds are also found in this zone.
  3. Temperate Evergreen Forest:  

    Northward, on the lower slopes and spurs of the great Himalayas, oaks and Pines are the dominant species up to an altitude of about 2400m above which are found dense conifer forests including Picea, Tusga, Larix and Abies spp. The latter is usually confined to higher elevations with Betula typically marking the upper limit of the tree line. At about 3600 to 3900m, Rhododendron, bamboo and maples are commonly associated with the coniferous zone. Composition of he forest varies considerably with coniferous predominating in the west and eracaceous in the east. The wildlife of this region includes the Himalayan bear, Serow, Ghoral, barking deer and wildboar, with Himalayan tahr sometimes being seen on steep rocky faces above 2400m. The red panda is among the more interesting of the mammals found in this zone; it appears to be fairly distributed in suitable areas of the forest above 1800m. The rich and varied avifauna of this region includes several spectacular and beautiful pheasants, including the Danfe pheasant, NepalÕs national bird.
  4. Subalpine and Alpine Zone: 

    Above the tree line, Rhododendron, Juniper Scrub and other procumbent woody vegetation may extend to about 4200m where it is then succeeded by tundra-like association of short grasses, sedge mosses and alpine plants wherever there is sufficient soil. This continues up to the lower limit of perpetual snow and ice at about 5100m. The mammalian faun is sparse and unlikely to include any species other than Himalayan Marmots, Mouse Hare, tahr, Musk Deer, Snow Leopard and occasionally blue sheep. In former times, the Wild Yak and great Tibetan sheep could also be sighted in this region and it is possible that a few may still be surviving in areas such as Dolpa and Humla. The bird life at such as lammergeyer, snowcock, snowpatridge, choughs and bunting, with redstarts and dippers often seen along the streams and rivulets. Yaks are the only livestock, which thrive at high altitude. They serve both back and draught animals. The cheeses prepared out of the milk are edible for months. The female Yak provides milk to the Sherpas.
    Of the wonderful flora and fauna must suffice to indicate what a paradise Nepal is to the lovers of wild animal and bird life, to the naturalists and to the foresters.

 Destination Nepal Tours and Travels is Best Travel agency in Nepal

There are 4 UNESCO World Heritage Sites(WHS) in Nepal. Of these 4 WHS – two are in cultural category and two WHS falls in the natural category.
In the cultural category the seven monuments of Kathmandu valley (together counted as one WHS) and Lumbini- the birth place of Lord Buddha are included whereas the other two WHS in the natural grouping are designated as Chitwan National Park and Sagarmatha National Park. The Kathmandu valley WHS  comprises of three historical palaces known as-Kathmandu Durbar Square, Patan Durbar Square and Bhaktapur  Darbar Square—two Buddhist  stupas- Syambhunath and Boudanath and two Hindu temples Pashupatinath and Changu Narayan. The densest concentration of these heritage sites in can be found here owing to the cultural and political importance of Kathmandu valley in the history of the country. All these monuments were inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites in October 1979. Most of the places listed in of the WHS were revered as sacred for thousands of years and there has been a series of contributions and renovations in the form of constructions of temples, stupas and palaces over the centuries made by different rulers and kings. The WHS  of Nepal are an Nepal and are a legacy of Nepalese people to the history and lifestyle of Nepal and are a legacy of Nepalese people to the delight of the whole human civilization. There are altogether 830 outstanding sites on the World Heritage List in 138 countries.
Historical Background

The Kathmandu valley civilization is around 3000 year old. It has been claimed that the valley was a large pond in the early geological period and it was only when the pond was drained that the valley was ready for human settlement.  There is also a legend which reinforces the story that a certain Bodhistav called Manjushree came to the Kathmandu valley and cut the gorge in Chobar with flaming sword and drained the water out of the valley making it ready for human settlement.
The fertile land supported large settlements, and over the centuries different dynasties that ruled the valley patronized an urban civilization with its rich cultural heritage. Politically the present day Nepal was divided into petty principalities and the earliest ruling class of Nepal were the Gopalas, Mahispalas and Kiratas dynasties who were followed by the Lichchhavi(185-750 AD). The Lichchhavi period is known as the classical period of Nepalese history because it was during this period that art and architecture began to take shape. Trade and crafts flourished under them, and they built magnificent temples, palaces and monuments.
But it was only under the later Malla period and the early Shah period from the 14th to the 18th centuries the valley’s fabulous cities with their exquisite pagoda, shikhara and stupa architecture, ornate palaces and artistic temples came to take shape in the form that we see it today.
However the present day neo-classical buildings were built only during the second half of the 19th century(Rana Regime) with the western countries.
Sculptures, wood craft and stone works were built only during the second half of the 19th century (Rana Regime) with Nepal’s first contact with the western countries.
The historical monuments of the world heritages sites of Kathmandu valley are marked by the presence of three prominent architectural style namely the Pagoda, Shikhara and the Stupa style. The pagodas are multi-tiered monuments tapering towards the top with intricate wood carving in the forms of doors, pillars, windows and struts. These ubiquitous wooden historical structures are supplemented by bronze works and stone sculptures together forming the squares and palaces with profuse representation of images of gods, goddesses, demons, beasts, mythical figures, Kings and the ordinary human beings engaged in their day to day activities.
  1. Kathmandu Durbar Square
  2. Patan Durbar Square
  3. Bhaktapur Durbar Square
  4. Pashupatinath
  5. Swoyambhunath
  6. Baudanath
  7. Changu Narayan
  8. Lumbini:- Birth place of Lord Buddha
  9. Chitwan National Park(932 sq.km.)
  10. Sagarmatha National Park(1,148 sq.km.)

 Pashupatinath Temple
Pashupatinath Temple and the river from above.

Situated 5 km east of Kathmandu city center, Pashupati literally means “Lord of Animals” and is considered to be the patron deity of Nepal. Pashupatinath is regarded as one of the holiest sites for Hindus all over the world.
Pashupatinath temple is a pagoda style two-tiered golden roof with exquisitely carved four silver doors containing in its sanctum a phallic idol with four faces facing each direction and the fifth one is looking up towards the zenith. A temple dedicated to Shiva was constructed at the present site by Lichhavi King Supushpa Verma according to an ancient chronicle. However the present temple is claimed to have been built by king Bhupatindra Malla in 1697 AD. Legend has it that a cow would frequently escape from its herds and offer milk on a Jyotirlinga(phallic symbol of Shiva) which denotes the point where the temple stands today. It is said that a certain cowherd much to his surprise found the self-generated Jyotirlinga (phallic symnol of Shiva) when he dug the spot where the cow would give milk. The spot immediately became the center of worship that has been continued till today.
Pashupatinath Temple, Kathmandu
Legend also mentions that the Pandavas after the great Mahabharata battle were told that only by sighting Shiva would they be absolved of their sins and it was at this very spot they saw the lord. Hence, this most sacred abode of Shiva, who is the God of the gods-Mahadeva-merits a visit by all Hindus, at least once in a lifetime, to be truly blessed and cleansed. It is believed that pilgrimage to the four dhams like Dwarika, kedar Rameshwar and Jaganath of India becomes meaningful only after a final darshan of Pashupatinath and by a taking a holy dip in the Bagmati River and conducting a proper puja and circling the 525 Shiva Lingas in the temple premises will free a person from the cycle of births and rebirths. In the premise of the Pashupati temple are other temples like Bhairavnath, Vasuki nag, Parbati temple, Ram mandir, Vishwo rup, Gorakhnath, Kirateshwor temple and dozens of temples dedicated to different gods and goddesses.
A considerable part of the temple vicinity is converted to rest and prayer areas. Behind the temple on the banks of Bagmati is a crematorium for Hindus. It is the wish of every Hindu to be cremated on the bank of the Bagmati river in the temple of Guheshwori dedicated to Shiva’s consort Parbati also known as Satidevi. There is also a deer park at the back of the temple across the Bagmati river. It is also interesting to watch the minkeys roam in and around the temple freely. One may also observe Sadhus smeared with ashes and dressed in loin-cloths and the Hindu Brahmins offering Tika and blessing to the visitors. Pshupatinath attracts thousands of Pilgrims on spring festival Maha Shivaratri(Feb—March), the day dedicated to Shiva, Hari Talika/Teej(Aug-Sep), Janai Purnima(July-Aug), and all Mondays of the month of Shrawan(July_August).
In October 1979 Pashupati area was declared as the world Heritage Site by UNESCO and the temple is being managed by Pashupati area Development Trust. The temple activities can be observed from the back of the temple.
Pashupatinath Shrine

Sagarmatha National Park Photo
The prime attraction in Sagarmatha National Park established in 1976, is Mt. Everest—the highest peak of the world. The park was added to the list of World heritage Site in 1979. The park, a part of the Himalayan ecological zone, has several other prominent peaks most of which are above 6,000 meters. With most of the park above, 3,000 meters. Sagarmatha is  full of rugged terrain with deep gorges, glaciers and huge rocks. With its Himalayan terrain and its culture, the parks offers a blend of natural and cultural tourist products here. The vegetation at the lower elevation is dominated by pine and hemlock forest, while above 3,500 meters the forest is dominated with silver fir, birch, rhododendron, and juniper trees. During spring and monsoon the varieties of rhododendron flowers are seen.  The common wildlife in the park are Himalayan Tahr, ghoral, musk deer, pikka (mouse hare) weasel, jackal. Other rarely seen animals are the impeyan pheasant(Danphe), blood pheasant, red billed cough, yellow-billed chough, snow-cock, snow pigeon, Himalayan griffon, and lammergeyer. The area also provides warm sherpa hospitality and has many monasteries and cultural landmarks. Tourism activities and farming are the main activities of the area. Growing barleys and potatoes and raising Yaks are some of the  notable occupation. The majority of the youths are engaged as mountaineering and trekking guides in the season.
The best point to explore the area could be Gokyo Valley, Lobuche, Kalapatthar, Everest Base camp, Chuking valley and the Thame valley.
Trekking, Mountaineering, cultural observation and Meditation
Resort hotels, lodges, camping.
Namche Bazar—a gateway to Everest region—is a two walk from Lukla which is 30 minutes by air to Kathmandu.
Beast Season:
Oct-Nov and Mar- May, Dec-Feb( snow, daytime temperature 5 degree Celsius), Jun-Sep(rainy)
Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal: esta es la misma que antes

Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal: Grazing Rhino
Chitwan National Park established in 1973 was declared UNESCO Natural Site in 1984. The park that includes in its area a part of the shivalik hills is covered with deciduous of forest overlooking the floodplains of Narayani, Rapti and Reu rivers and offering a wilderness of rich ecosystem that includes mammals, birds, reptiles and water animals of several kinds. There are around 600 plant species, 50 mammals, 526 birds and 49 amphibians reptiles found in this park. The highlights, of course, are the 500 Asian one-horned rhinoceros and some 100 nocturnal Royal Bengal tigers that live in the dense forest of the park. Sharing home in these is other animal like rhesus monkey, grey langur, deer, leopards, white stockinged  gaur, wild boar, wild dogs and wild cats. Among reptiles are different kinds of snakes including the python, while the river areas breed amphibians like the endangered snouted gharial popularly known as Gangetic Crocodile and Marsh Crocodiles. The forest is alive during summer with the arrival of migrant birds paradise flycatcher, Indian pitta and Parakeets, while winter birds include waterfowl, Brahminy ducks, peachens, floricans and redheaded trogons. A rare attraction of the park is the world’s fresh water dolphin variety sometimes seen in River Narayani. Another factor adding a distinct touch to the Chitwan experience is the colorful Tharu culture. These are also sites of  religious and historical importance at Devghat, Pandavnagar, Balmiki Ashram and Kabilaspur/
Jungle safari on elephant back, jungle walk, canoe ride, jeep drive, and observation of Tharu culture.
Resort hotels lodges

The park headquarters’ at Kasara is 21-km drive from Bharatpur, which is 20 minutes by air or 146 km by road from Kathmandu.

Best Season:
Oct- Feb( average temperature 25 degree Celsius): Mar-Jun (hot, upto 43 Degrees), July-Sep(rainy)
Royal Chitwan National Park Photo

Buddha was born at Lumbini in southern Nepal on a full moon day in 623 B.C. The importance of Lumbini is testified by the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka who visited Lumbini in order to pay homage to the great Master and erected a pillar in 249 B.C. to indicate the birth place of Buddha. Near the Ashokan pillar is the newly renovated Mayadevi Temple also houses. The marker stone discovered in 1996 AD which depicts the exact spot where the Buddha was born. It snow kept in bulletproof glass in the Mayadevi Temple.
The Mayadevi temple was renovated in 2003 on the 2547th auspicious birth anniversary of the Buddha and houses ruins of the early period dating back from 3rd century BC to the 7th century AD. Near the temple is situated is situated the Puskarni pond where Queen Mayadevi-the Buddha’s mother- had given the first purificatory bath to the infant Buddha.
In 1896, excavations by General Khadga Shumsher Rana of Nepal and renowned archeologist Dr. A Fuhrer shed light on various aspects of the life of Buddha. In 1898, the British government deputed P.C. Mukherjee who confirmed the exact location of Aurorakot as the birth place of Kannakmuni Buddha and Gotihawa as the native place of Kakruchhanda Buddha who existed before the Shakyamuni Buddha and Lumbini as birthplace of Shakyamuni Buddha. He also claimed Devdaha to be the maternal home of Buddha and Tilaurakot ot be the exact site of Kapilvastu-the ancient capital of the Shakya Kingdom.
Shortly after the Buddha attained enlightenment at the age of 36, he delivered his first sermon, in which he laid out the essential framework upon which all his later teachings were based. This framework consists of the four Truths and the Eight fold path, which identifies the source of sufferings and the path towards the cessation of sufferings and the attainment of Salvation.
In order to develop Lumbini as a pilgrimage center and a fountain of World peace, Prof. Kenzo Tange of Japan was assigned to create the Lumbini Masterplan by UN which was jointly approved by the Government of Nepal and UN in 1978. The Master Plan includes canals, gardens, library, museum, monastic zones and areas for amenities. Lumbini Development Trust is responsible for the overall  development of Lumbini. Listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in December 1997, Lumbini is being developed with international support. There are different Vihars and Monastries constructed by different countries like Korea, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan, Germany, France, Austria, India, Srilanka, China and Nepal.
General Information
Access: From Kathmandu, fly to Gautam Buddha Airport in Bhairahawa (Siddharatha Nagar Municipality, 30 Minutes) and then drive (22 km) to Lumbini. Overland from Kathmandu to Bhairahawa is 300 km (9 hours).
Getting around: The places to see in Lumbini are scattered over an area of roughly 3 sq miles. There are manual three-wheelers to get around the Lumbini complex.
Climate : Temperature 40 degrees Celsius maximum, 7 degrees minimum. The rainy season lasts June-September.
Additional info: Lumbini Development Trust, Lumbini; Tel: +977-71-580189, 580200, Fax: 580181. Kathmandu office: Bhrikutimandap, Tel: +977-01-4268285,4268494, URL:www.lumbinitrust.org, email: dntt@wlink.com.np . Accommodation : Lumbini offers good hotels that are equipped with modern amenities. Visitors can also stay in Lumbini or the nearby town of Bhairahawa.
Attractions : Lumbini tour, Buddist circuit tour, Village tour, Monastery tour, Meditation, Archaeological tour, Crane Sancturay and Wet land tour. Great celebration takes place in Buddha Purnima (April- May).

It is located on a magnificent hill top commanding a fantastic view of Kathmandu valley, the Changu Narayan—the temple of Lord Vishnu—is 6 and wood. In fact it is one of the finest examples of Nepalese architecture. The first epigraphic evidence of Nepalese history found in the temple premises during the reign of the Lichchavi King Mandeva dating back to 464 AD shows that Changu had already been established as a sacred location in the 3rd century AD. The present structure was probably constructed in the 17th century, though older elements have been incorporated during the restorations. The pagoda style temple has several masterpieces of 5th and 12th century Nepalese art.

Some of the important sculptures here as:

1. Viswo Roop-
Lord Vishnu in his all pervasive universal form Vishnu Roop represented in a serpent bed- the- symbolic of the endless water. This sculpture dates back to 8th century AD.
2. Vishnu Vikranta-
Lord Vishnu in his most powerful form measuring the space by his feet. This stone bas-relief image is dated as 8th century AD.
3. Vishnu mounted in his vehicle Garuda- the mythical man bird.
4. Nr-singha Vishnu in his half human and half lion’s form.
The myth behind the conception of the Changu Narayan Temple signifies the religious significance and importance of the place. According to a legend, Lord Vishnu beheaded a Brahmin thinking it to be a demon and only discovered it later that he had committed a heinous crime. He then wandered on earth on his mount, the ‘Garuda’ eventually descending on the hill at Changu. There he lived in anonymity, surviving on milk stolen form a cow belonging to a hermit sage called Sudharshan. When Sudharshan found out about the stolen milk, he attacked and beheaded Lord Vishnu which freed Lord Vishnu from his sins. Ever since that day, the site has been held sacred and the temple has been revered.

The Stupa of Boudanath is located 5 km east of Kathmandu city center. The Stupa stands over three-tiered platform raised over the crossed rectangles in order to bring out the yantra form and is termed as the biggest Stupa in Nepal.
The claims made in various religious and literary texts regarding the erection of the stupa is varied and conflicting. However, the Stupa is believed to have been built in the 5th century AD during the reign of the Lichchavi Kings.
As in other stupa architecture, this stupa also has Vairchana at the center followed by Achhyobhya, Ratna Sambhava, Amitabh and Amoghsiddhi in east, south, west and north directions respectively. Similarly, there are one hundred and eight small niches around the stupa accommodating the icons of Buddhas, Bodhisatavas and other female deities along with conjoint figures in erotic poses. Likewise, at the bottom level, it is surrounded with the praying wheels embossed with the famous mantra Om Mani Padme Hum fixed in more  than hundred and forty niches.
According to a very popular legend, in ancient time there was a poor girl in a Magat village of Nepal. She was called Jyajima and was very pious and charitable by nature. She had a deep desire to spread the faith of the Master and approached the King for a piece of land where she could build a stupa. Hence she built the stupa with the help of her four sons as it stands today.
According to another very popular legend, in the ancient days Kathmandu valley was under severe drought and this causes the King Dharma Dev much concern and anxiety. Finally, the King was advised by an astrologer that only the sacrifice of an ideal man with 32 virtues in front of the dry royal water spout could bring the rainfall in the country. There were hardly anybody with such a great virtue except the King himself. So the following night he commanded his son to go to the dry water spout near the royal palace (Mandev-the Lichchavi King) obeyed his father and to his great horror found that it was none other than his own father that he beheaded.
In order to atone for the heinous sin, he prayed to goddesses Vajrayogini who ordered him to erect a stupa and practice rigorous penance. He practiced great penance in Gumvihar where Vajrayogini rests and it was due to his great devotion there sprang out the present stupa of Boudanath.
Old field an Orientalist has written that a Lama form Tibet had died on his pilgrimage to Nepal and the stupa was erected with his relics and named it as Khasa Chaitya after his name.
During Buddha Jayanti (birthday of Lord Buddha, April-May) on the full moon day a religious procession takes place with the icons of Buddha on a chariot. During Lhosar festival (Jan-Feb) the pilgrims worship the Buddhist deities, light the increase and butter lamp day and night. On the full moon day of Nanai Purnima (sacred thread festival, Aug-Sept0 the stupa is decorated with prayer flags and lights. Every twelve year a special ceremony is also observed denoting the fact that it took 12 years to built the stupa. Some Buddhist texts also mentions that it took 2555 days (7 years) to complete the construction of the stupa. Dance, musical instruments, chant and hymns are performed to mark the event with great festivity. The stupa along with the monasteries are centers of learning, cultural activities, prayers and meditation.

Located on  a lovely little hillock Swayambhu Nath Stupa lies about 4 km west of Kathmandu city center. There are 360 steps leading all the way to the top commanding a magnificent view of Kathmandu valley and the breath-taking panorama of the snow-clad Himalayan range. The tradition in the Stupa follows the Vajrayana form of Buddhism which is a tantric variation of the Mahayana Buddhism (the great vehicle). The stupa seem to have been founded during the Lichchavi period. Religious and literary sources give numerous accounts of the establishment and the patronage of the Swayambhunath premises. Some literary work credit the Lichchavi King Mandev to be the founder of Swayambhu Stupa. It is also interesting to note that the stupa went a series of renovation during the Malla period in the medieval times with donations made by merchants, monks, pilgrims and Buddhist followers.
As the ancient legend goes Kathmandu valley was a lake long time ago. Right in the center of this lake was a full blown lotus with the divine light atop. When Maha Manjushri a saint from China heard about this he came all the way from China to the valley. He cut through the southern wall hill of the valley with his divine sword. The cleft made by the sword immediately drained the entire lake water making the valley floor ready for habitation. Hundreds of votive shrines and other historical monuments built in and around this stupa speak a lot about the significance and antiquity of this famed stupa. The stupa of Swayambhunath stands on a typically stylized lotus mandala base. The hemispherical part of the chaitya is made of brick and stone and on top of the hemispherical part lies the hermika which carries the eyes of Vairochana watching in all the directions and believed to have been painted in the Malla Period. The stupa is also laden with the 13 gold plated spires which symbolize the 13 stages to salvation. The spire is crowned by a golden umbrella supported by a pole from within the center. Devotees pour lime down the chaitya to cure illness of family members.
Harati Temple: It is a two-tiered pagoda temple dedicated to the primal mother-Ajima who is also known as the protective deity of children. Special prayers are offered on Saturday and Tuesday.
Anantapura and Pratapaura : These two temples dedicated to Vajrayana deities were built by King Pratap Malla in the 17th century. Anantapura temple was named after his consort and both these temples represent the Shikhara style of architecture.
Bajra Dhatu Mandala: The Mandala depicts 12 animals representing the twelve months of the Tibetan year. The gilt Bajra installed by King Pratap Malla in the middle of the 17th century represents the sword Chandahasa, Vajradhatvesvari, Mamaki Tara, Ratnasambhava, Pandara, Amitabha, Tara, Amogha Siddhi and Saptalochini.
The Vairochana is represented by the eyes painted on the hermika. Amitabha is the main deity of the chaitya.
Five Elements of Life: Temples and sacred sites representing the five fundamental elements of nature are said to have been founded by Shantikar Acharya. The five elements of life represented in the premise of the Stupa are Vasupura (earth), Nagapura (serpents, the lord of water), Shantipura or Akashpura (space or sky), Vayupura (air) and Agnipura (fire).
Important Days to Visit this holy sites:
1. Buddha Purnima, the birthday of Lord Buddha which falls on the full moon day of Baishakh (april_May).
2. Gunla the holy Buddhist month according to Newari Calendar (Aug-Sept, early morning).
3. Kojagrath Purnima (sept-oct) Samyak day of the Magh(Jan-Feb) (once in every twelve years).
4. Lhosar

Patan Durbar square( Destination Nepal Tours and Travels is Best Travel in Nepal)

Patan also known as Lalitpur means the city of arts. It is located across the river Bagmati river only 5 km south of Kathmandu city center. This city founded in 3rd home of the finest crafts and is considered oldest of all three cities of Kathmandu valley. Most of the monuments in this square date back to the medieval Malla period from 16th to 18th century and the monuments in the area are mostly credited to king Siddhi Nar Singh Malla, Shri Niwas Malla and Yog Narendra Malla.
Main Chowks(Courtyards):-
Patan Durbar Square consists of three main courtyards-Mul Chowk, Sundari Chowk and Mani Keshab Narayan Chowk which houses the Patan Museum.  The Sundari Chowk built by King Siddhi Narsingh Malla in 1647 AD contains the master piece of stone sculpture known as the Royal bath and was used of performing ritual bathing.
Bhimsen Temple:-
The three-storied temple of Bhimsen located on the extreme north of the square with the magnificent golden balcony overlooking the square outside is very popular amongst the local merchant and traders communities. There are curio shops around the temple.
Vishwa Nath Temple:-
This two-storied temple dedicated to Shiva located near the Bhimsen temple is built in Pagoda style and houses a large phallic of Shiva and the temple is guarded by two elephants.
Krishna Mandir:-
The temple of Lord Krishna built in the 17th century by king Siddhi Narsingh Malla is the first specimen of Shikhara style temple entirely made of stone. It is the only temple in Nepal with 21 golden pinnacles and contains engraved scenes from the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata.
Stone Column:-
The stone column of King Yog Narendra Malla in a praying poster to goddess Taleju is protected by a snake above his head and a bird is seen seated on the snake. Legend says that the King would be remembered and remain immortal as long as the bird does not fly from there. It is because of this believe that a window of the palace. A stone pillar located nearby with the Garuda atop facing the Krishna Temple is another typical example of Nepali stone workmanship.
Jagatnarayan Temple:-
 This temple also known as the Char Narayan temple and one of the oldest temple is located south of the Krishna temple. The temple is guarded by two lions and half human form sculpted in stone.
Harishankar  Temple: -
This three-tire temple built in 1704 AD is dedicated to Shiva and Vishnu. This temple was built by the wives of King Yoga Narendra Malla after his death in his memory because of which this temple is also know as Sati temple.
Taleju Temple:-
 There are prominent temples like the three-storied octagonal temple of Taleju Bhawani and Digu Teleju- the five storied temple of the protective deities built by King Siddhi Narsingh Malla in 17the century. These temples are unique examples of craftsmanship in wood.
Golden Temple:-
 The three-storied golden pagoda was built by King Bhaskar Verma In the 12th century and contains images of Amoghpash Lokeswor, large prayer wheel  and paintings of Buddha. The temple is located at a walking distance north from the main square.
 This five-storied Temple dedicated to Shiva was built during the reign of King Jayastithi Malla in the late 14th century. It is a few minutes walk north from the main square. A religious fair is held during Janai Poornima(August). There is also a famous Banglamukhi Temple nearby.
 Thousand images of Buddha are found in the temple made of fine quality Bricks. The temple was constructed in the 15th century by  an architect named Avay Raj and is located eastwards with a few minutes walking distance from the main square.
There are many other shrines, sculptures, stupas scattered in and around the square and provide a unique experience of visitors and art lovers.

Patan Durbar square( Destination Nepal Tours and Travels is Best Travel in Nepal)

World Heritage sites Links
Bhaktapur meaning the city of devotees was founded by King Ananda Dev in 1197 AD according to the Gopala Raj Vamsabli even though the existence of the city could be traced back to the Lichhavi period (185- 750AD). There are many monuments including pagodas, palaces, shikhara style monuments, courtyards and Buddists shrines and monasteries. The Durbar Square was the seat of the Malla Kings and the present structures away from Kathmandu city.
The lion Gate: -
The two lions symbolizes the elements of power and protection and was installed on its either sides during the reign of King Bhupatindra Malla in 1696 AD. This gate has beautiful stone statues of Bhairv-the fierce form of Shiva Durga the fierce-some manifestation of Shakti-the female power.
Golden Gate: -
The Golden Gate was built by King Ranajit Malla in 1754 AD which serves as an entrance to the Taleju complex.
Four Pilgrimage sites: -
You can also observe the four dhams(pilgrimage sites) of Jaganath, Kedarnath, Rameshwor and Badrinath just at the entrance. It is a replication of holy sites revered in India.
Stone column: -
King Bhupatindra Malla seated atop on a stone column in an attitude of prayer to Taleju Bhavani. He was a great builder, a scholar and an artist.
55 Windows Palace: -
This is the supreme wooden architectural structure dominating the entire Bhadga on Durbar Square. This magnificent edifice was originally built by Yakshya Malla in 1427 AD and embellished later by Bhupatindar Malla in 17th century.
Vastala Temple: -
It was built on Shikhara style completely on stones by Jaya Ranajit Malla in the 17th century AD. The temple is dedicated to a mother goddess Durga. On the lower flank the temple there is a small bell known as ‘barking bell’ because dogs bark and whine at the sound of the bell. In those days the bell was used as an alarm to alert the people during the period of emergency.
Yakcheswor Mahadev: -
This temple is a replication of  Pashupatinath Temple of Kathmandu. It was built by King Yakshya Malla in 1480 AD. It shows the importance of Pashupati Temple in the spiritual life of the people of Bhaktapur and it was built so that people from Bhaktapur may avoid the difficulty of going to main Pashupatinath in Kathmandu for offering prayers.
Folklore mentions that once king from Bhaktapur who was a great devotee of lord Pashupati dreamt the lord who told him to build a temple for Him so that He could move into it. He obeyed the divine command and thus the temple was built.
Taumadi Square

Nyatapola: -
The temple was founded by King Bhupatindra Malla in 1702AD. Nyatapola in Newari means five-tiered temple symbolizing the five basic elements of Nature. The temple is dedicated to Goddess Siddhi Laxmi- a Tantric deity representing the most powerful female force. Legend goes that the temple was built by the King on the advice of the astrologers to pacify god Bhairav and maintain a harmonious balance of male and female principle. Nyatopola and Bhairav temples signify the co-existence of male and female energy pervading the earth.
The temple stands above the five plinth and rises 30 m above the top plinth. Pairs of animals and robust men flank the stairway. It is believed that every pair of guardian is ten times more powerful than the pair immediately below. This is the most famous pagoda of Nepal.
Bhairav Natth Temple: -
This temple of Bhairav-the ferocious form of Shiva-was originally built by Jagat Joti Malla as a one storeyed temple and later King Bhupatindra Malla added two more stories to it  in 1718 AD. According to a legend Vishwanath, a manifestation of Shiva once visited Bhaktapur to observe Bisket Jatra. When the locals recognize him they beheaded him in order to retain him permanently in the temple. It is because of this reason the central images of Bhairav temple has the head of Bhairav without the body and is taken on a chariot once during the Bisket Jatra which is the biggest festival of the town held in April.
Teel Mahadev Nayayan Temple: -
South form Nyatapola lies this temple dedicated to lord Vishnu built in 12th century AD. A disc, lotus, conch shell and mace-four emblems of lord Vishnu are placed on pillars to the sides of the entrance.
Dattareya Square
Dattareya Temple: -
Dattatreya Temple, originally built by Yakshya Malla in 1427AD and renovated by his son Vishwa Malla in 1458 AD, is the only temple in Nepal that is dedicated to God Dattatreya-the combined incarnation of the three supreme gods-Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The entrance of the temple is guarded the messenger of Vishnu is also erected on a stone column.
Bhimsen Temple: -
To the west of the Dattatreya temple is the Bhimsen temple built in 1605AD. Lod Bhimsen is the second eldest of the five Pandavas of the Mahabharat epic. In the olden days people has to walk to Tibet or India for trade and pilgrimages, so one had to be naturally strong to embark on an ardrous journey. In order to gain strength people prayed to Lord Bhimsen and the tradition continues till today. The area also has two Bronze and Wood carving museums and the famous window peacock-an original masterpiece of Nepali wood work.
Pujari Math: -
The Pujari Math literally translated as the Priets’s house now houses the wood carving museum. The Math built by King Yaksha malla in the 15th century was used for storing donations and contributions. The world famous peacock window of the 15th century is situated on the eastern face of this house. One can observe intricately carved images of gods and goddesses on the struts of this religious monument.